

A spousal* RRSP is exactly what it appears to be,

Value in the Canadian Dollar

The CAD vs USD exchange rate has certainly been on

Dividend Depression

 Dividend investing is supposed to be easy. Find quality companies


Financial literacy is predicated on asking the question, “Why?” Why

IPOs–where art thou?

No denying the equity markets are in the throws of

Inflation–Not going quietly into the night

 The primary cause of the market declines in 2022 was

A Bubbly World

The history of markets is filled with examples of bubbles,

Cash vs GICs vs Bonds

So far this year, investors have piled into cash, added

Nobody Controls Risk in an Index

There has been much chatter over the past couple of

American Exceptionalism

 Over the past month or so, the economic data from

Conflicting Forces

In the heart of every market lies a fierce clash

Do Valuations Matter?

One could certainly question the importance of valuations in this

Moody Market

Markets certainly move around a lot. Last summer, the stock

Maybe It Was Transitory After All

The illusion of causality is a behavioural bias in which

60/40–The Reports of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

It was not that long ago, perhaps about a year

2023 Year in Review

Let’s just say it – despite all the headlines, twists