Our Culture

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Ventum dedicates itself to fostering a workplace and world that thrives on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our belief in the strength of unique perspectives extends beyond rhetoric to concrete actions. We actively seek diversity in recruitment, provide equal opportunities for growth, foster an inclusive culture through education, and engage with communities. Recognizing that the journey towards true diversity is continuous, we are committed to transparency about our progress, holding ourselves accountable, and continuously seeking ways to improve. Join us in building a future where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered – a future that celebrates the richness of our differences.

Our Ongoing Commitment

At Ventum, our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is reflected in our hiring practices, training initiatives, cultural and religious internal communications. We encourage an open, transparent, and accepting workplace. Our hiring practices contribute to a workplace where every voice is heard and valued.

PI Financial Corp. and Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. are now Ventum Financial Corp.

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